Our Programs.

  • People’s Breakfast Oakland

    Following in the footsteps of The Black Panther Party, People’s Breakfast Oakland is a free breakfast program that serves Oakland’s houseless community.

  • People’s Community Health Clinic

    The People’s Community Mobile Health Clinic is tasked with bringing free healthcare directly to the people of Oakland.

  • Legal Support and Bail Program

    The Legal Support and Bail Program provides bail support for Black protestors and is beginning to develop legal aid for the people.

  • people's garden

    The People’s Garden was created to begin the process of building food autonomy for Black/New Afrikan peoples.

  • Political Education and Membership Bureau

    This bureau is tasked with the internal and external political education and the political objectives of the organization.

  • grocery program

    Our Grocery Program provides fresh groceries to the people of West Oakland on a bi-monthly basis.